Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Physical Therapy Aide REPOST

(This is a RePost as it goes with yesterdays story)

With several hundred hours of volunteer service in the hospital Physical Therapy unit under my belt, I concluded my health course training! I passed! At last, the hospital hired me and I became a full time physical therapy aide!

Treating the patients with gentle exercise, applying heating and massage, or wrapping wounds was only part of my job. My REAL job was “agent-in-disguise” on assignment by direction of my boss,

One particular day, I was assigned to do mild stretching exercises for the patients in one of the wards. As I walked by one of the rooms, I peeked in. A woman lay with her eyes closed. She was emaciated with her face drawn. There were barely any apparent signs of life. The Male nurse in charge, said, “No exercise for this woman, because she is in a coma and may not last the night. “

The Lord spoke to me and let me know that this woman was my assignment. I asked the nurse what her name was and he told me, “Her name is Mary.” “May I have a few minutes alone with Mary, if it is alright?” I asked the nurse. “Certainly,” was his reply.

I pulled the curtain around Mary. I knew that persons in a coma can hear and understand what you are saying. So softly, but with a voice of authority, I spoke, “Mary, I know that you have had a hard life and have done many sinful acts against your body and against God. (Pause) - - -

Mary, I have good news for you, and that is that Jesus loves you. (Pause) - - - I know you cannot speak to me, but in your heart you can tell Jesus that you are sorry for all the bad things you have done. (Pause) - - - Now, Mary, tell Jesus that you want Him to come into your heart and take all your sins away. (Pause)- - - Mary, Jesus loves you and wants to take you to be with Him in Heaven. (Pause)- - - Tell Jesus, ‘Yes, I want to be with you. Just say the word YES.“

I patiently and pleasurably watched as the frown on Mary’s brow softened and the downward curl of her lips moved to a slight smile.

The head nurse entered at that time, and asked me to leave.

Exactly what happened in that room on that day? The answer is that a woman became a “lady” and she was clothed in a white robe as she entered heaven to be with Jesus.

The next day, I re-entered the ward. The room where Mary had been was now empty. Mary was not there. She had passed on during the night to a better place, and had gone to be with Jesus. She barely missed heaven, but she made it.

There may be a Mary or a Bill, who needs a word from you. Opportunities are all around. Watch for them! Leap to catch them as they reveal themselves to you!

Stay tuned in to hear that still small inward voice. Obey when the Holy Spirit speaks to you. God is still speaking today….

Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

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