Monday, March 7, 2011

We found a Raccoon

There was a creek that ran year around behind our yard where we lived in Oakland. The surrounding trees created a park like setting, and birds made their nests, and sang sweet lullabies to us.

One day, unexpectedly there appeared in our front yard a raccoon. Where he came from we did not know, but we surmised that he had followed the creek looking for fish. He was wearing a collar, and seemed friendly enough as he allowed us to clip a lease on him. Leading him to one of our downstairs bedrooms we securely closed the door.

We had jotted down a telephone number that was on his collar, and proceeded to call his owner. Evidently no one was home, so we decided to try again a few hours later.

It seemed only a few minutes later we were surprised to find our guest raccoon staring at us in the kitchen. Apparently he was adept at escaping and had opened the bedroom door, ambled up the stairs, opened the stairway door, and entered our kitchen.

It was time to make that second telephone call, and in this instance someone answered.

“Yes,” they told us, “he often escapes, and to travel so far without a mishap was a miracle.” We gave them directions and within the hour the owners arrived to retrieve their pet. They were equipped with a cage to safely transport him and offered us a reward. No, we did not want a reward, as we were actually glad that we could return him to his keepers.

We did not want this animal, and were happy to give him back to his owners.

Did you ever wind up with something that you really did not want?

In life, sometimes things come about, and we end up with something we did not desire or want or even need.

It might be a sin that you were only playing with, but it left you with a habit holding you captive in its cage. Jesus can set you free if this is your circumstance. God is your owner and he wants you to return to Him. He will help you to break the chains.  Jesus is the bondage breaker!

It may be other happenings that have gone wrong, and there seems no way out. You may be called to go through - - rather than escape or give up. As a Christian you belong to the Lord and He will be with you each step of the way, even throughout all the hard times.

Psalms 37:5 Commit your way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding.

1 comment:

Sandra Heska King said...

I love this story! Funny.

Yes, I often end up with things I don't want. At least at the time. :)