Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Heart Speaks

Notes from the Sunday service at Open Door Church


The service was different today, as Pastor Allan was speaking from his heart.
Have you ever had one of those days when God seems so far away? 

Let us come boldly into His presence.  I am so thankful I am not the person I was yesterday or the same person I was in the past.

If you are experiencing different things from the usual, perhaps you are the one who has changed your position. 
Are you too busy to read your Bible every day?  What is occupying your time?  Are you spending too much time on face book?

We must co-operate with God.  He is always available - - we may have shifted our position.  Am I making sense? 

We need you Jesus,  Holy Spirit we need you, I just want to be in your presence God.  The Holy Spirit is here today.  He has shown up.  We can praise the Holy Spirit, That is what Holy Spirit wants.  He delights in the praises of His people. 

At this point different people from the congregation came forward with their Bible and read scriptures on worship and praise.  All was orderly, and different ones said amen in agreement.

Thank you God for provision; You are our provider.  He gives us what we do not deserve.  He is worthy of our praises. 
We claim our schools, our neighborhood for God.  We claim boldness to be an effective missionary here in our city.

We need to practice worship at home where we are constantly seeking to be accountable to God.  For our ministry and our church to be blessed, we must follow His direction.

If I shift and move away from His direction; God is still moving but not as He wills.  God wants this place to be a place of refuge, and a place of prayer. 

What is on my heart?  To be 24/7 in His presence.  I am not speaking about a confessional, but a place where people can connect with God and He will speak to them.

We have ministers we admire, but we can’t be like them.  We can desire to have their passion, but if we try to be like them, we put ourselves in a box.  We need not a box or a ball field, or a world, but we need a universe.  A heavenly place here on earth where we can rest. 

People pursued Jesus and they wanted to be near Him.  He was and is the answer to every need and to every problem.
We need to be in His presence 24/7.


Karen said...

Amen! Taking time to put Jesus first. How we need His guidance and protection!

Unknown said...

Love the passion and sincerity... and reminder of Where to find the only Peace we will in and on this earth.